Snow riders going up the mountain in a chairlift

Club membership – we’re all mates (unless it’s a powder day!)

The Craigieburn community having fun.

Join the CV family

Club fields like Craigieburn Valley exist because of our dedicated, long-term members. People like you, who just love the good times and the good feels that come from hanging out in the mountains with likeminded folk.

We love new members! Every year our lifers are joined by a fresh crew of keen skiers and boarders, and that’s what keeps life interesting here.

Everybody can commit at different levels, and we totally get that. We have three levels of membership, so simply choose what works for you.

And in return, you’ll enjoy heavily discounted lift tickets and accommodation, and a bevy of new friends for life.  

Apply here to become a member.

Membership types

We have three levels of membership, Social, Base and Summit:
Social members enjoy the social benefits of being involved in the club, and receive the club newsletter. This level of membership is intended for members who wish to keep in contact with the club while not actively participating. For example travelling overseas, or injured. No discount for lift tickets and accommodation.

New Members have one off Admin fee of $50 when joining the CV club, they are then a Base member.

Base membership costs $150p/a and gets approximately 35% discounts off non-member rate on lift passes and accommodation, as well as the benefits of a social membership. A base member can buy a season pass for $450.

Summit membership costs $150p/a and completes 2 work parties per year, or our buy out option (cost of $300). Summit members get approximately 50%  discount off non-member rate on lift tickets and accommodation, and can buy a season pass for $350. All work parties carried out for the club counts towards summit membership or is reimbursed in the form of vouchers for accommodation or skiing.
  • Social membership is intended to help people remain part of the club and keep in contact, while they may not be as actively participating for example travelling overseas.
  • Social membership is $25 (incl GST) and is due April 30th
  • Social members do not receive the same discount structure as base members but receive a copy of the ‘Tow-line’ newsletter (by email)
  • Social members may also upgrade their membership at any time by paying the applicable fees (and work requirements if attaining summit status, providing work party places are available)
  • Receive approximately 35% discount off non-member ski/accommodation rates when presenting membership card at the ticket office
  • May purchase a season pass
  • Have voting rights at the AGM etc (subject to age)
  • Receive the ‘Tow-line’ newsletter
  • Summit status is attained by completing two full-day work parties. Alternatively, members may make a payment in lieu of completing each full-day work party, using our annual buy out option.
  • Under 13 members need only complete one full work party to attain summit status
  • Receive approximately 50% discount off non-member ski/accommodation rates when presenting membership card at the ticket office
  • Have voting rights at the AGM etc (subject to age)
  • Earn ski and accommodation vouchers for subsequent work parties (i.e. after the first two)
  • Receive the ‘Tow-line’ newsletter

Work Parties

We love help to maintain our lodges and look after our Ski field. There are always jobs to be done and we reward members who want to help out by doing work parties and saving money!
2024 we have added more flexibility on how to use your work parties credits
Additional work parties = one voucher. One voucher can be redeemed for either $100 off a SEASON PASS, or a day SKI ticket or one nights STAY accommodation which includes dinner, bed and breakfast. 10 hours work in town is counted as one voucher. Unless requested otherwise a Base member is the default position is to use the first two work parties to become a SUMMIT member. We have changing membership names from ‘Ordinary’ and ‘Privileged’ to ‘Base’ and ‘Summit’.  

1 work party = 1 day of skiing SKI OR 1 night of accommodation STAY
2 work parties = SUMMIT membership 50% discount OR 2 credits for accommodation STAY or ski days SKI (and stay a BASE member)
3 work parties = SUMMIT membership + 1 credit towards a SEASON PASS OR SUMMIT membership + 1 ski day 1SKI OR accommodation night 1STAY OR 3 ski days 3SKI OR 3 accommodation nights 3STAY (and stay a Base member)
4 work parties = SUMMIT membership + 2 credits towards a season pass OR SUMMIT membership + 2 ski days 2SKI OR accommodation nights 2STAY OR 4 ski days 4SKI OR 4 accommodation nights 4STAY(and stay a Base member)
5 work parties = SUMMIT membership + 3 work party (WP) credits towards a season pass OR SUMMIT membership + 3 ski days 3SKI OR accommodation nights 3STAY OR 5 ski days 5SKI OR 5 accommodation nights 5STAY (and stay a Base member)
6 work parties = Summit membership and a season pass (4 WP credits) OR SUMMIT membership + 4 ski days 4SKI OR 4 accommodation nights 4STAY OR 6 ski days 6SKI OR 6 accommodation nights 6STAY (and stay a BASE member)
Membership details

Base Members:
- Pay $150 in membership subs- Season Pass is $450
- Can 'buy out' work parties for $150 per day
- 2 work parties = Summit membership (or 2 WP credits for passes/accommodation)
- 35% discount on accommodation or day ski passes- 6 work parties = Summit membership + Season pass

Summit Members:
- Pay $150 in membership subs
- 2 work parties = Summit membership
- Season pass remains at $350
- 50% discount on accommodation or day ski passes
- Extra work parties = more credits for passes/accommodation
- 6 work parties = Summit membership + season pass

Example Scenarios:
- Nigel pays $150, does 1 work party, stays a Base member, gets 1 WP credit.
- Sally pays $150, does 2 work parties, gets Summit membership, buys a season pass for $350, gets 50% off accommodation.
- Sam pays $150, does 3 work parties, chooses not to be Summit (emails Admin), uses 3 credits for a season pass, gets 35% off accommodation.
- Sonia pays $150, does 4 work parties, gets Summit membership, chooses to use credits on ski pass or accomodation.
- Graham pays $150, does 6 work parties, gets Summit membership and a season pass, gets 50% off accommodation and skis free for the season.

Non Members
Can do a work parties and use these vouchers towards day ski tickets (max 2).

Once Work Parties are finished for the year you will be emailed to see how you want to use them. Either to SKI or STAY or towards a SEASON PASS. For SKI option show your email or voucher number to ticket office. For STAY option unique codes will be given to use in the booking system. Unique code will need to be used for each night booked, please book one night at a time.

Work Party vouchers only valid for 2 years.
2025 Work Party Dates:
- March 15th & 16th - Road Maintenance
- May 3rd & 4th

To find out more email:
Enjoying a beer in the sun up at CV skifield.

Application to join the ski club

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CV members getting stuck into helping at the club.

How it all works.

Membership card
Plus icon

Upon payment of membership fees, members will be issued with membership cards which will be handed out at pre-season drinks or first time up the mountain (early payment of fees will ensure you have your card prior to opening day!) Bring your membership card every time you come up and present it to the ticket office to receive your discount. If you forget your card, the ticket officer will charge you the full rate, but you can email admin to receive a refund for the difference - email

Work Parties
Plus icon

- An ‘in town’ work party is 10 hours work in town is counted as one voucher unless specified by the committee in advance
- Additional work party days may be purchased at the rate of $125/day per Adult or $75/day per Child to attain sufficient credit towards Summit member status. This is not available in the first year of membership

Work party vouchers
Plus icon

- Each additional work party day (beyond the minimum two required to attain Summit membership) earns one SKI or STAY accommodation voucher, OR $100 off SEASON PASS valid for two years unless specified by the committee in advance
- Work party vouchers are not transferable, except between spouses and bone-fide partners

Season passes
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- A season pass can only be bought by members of the CVSC club
- Need to be paid for by May 31st
- Season passes are not refundable nor transferable

Student benefits
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- Students pay $25 annual membership fee each year to belong to the CVSC club
- Because we know you are a student we wavier the $50 admin fee
- You get to ride or ski with a season pass for $200

Young family benefits
Plus icon

- Ski passes are non-transferable, except where two adult members with children may purchase one family pass that enables the two adults to share skiing and child care responsibilities
-  The family pass is valued at the higher rate of the two members, plus $10
Please note: this pass has been designed to make skiing more affordable for families. Only one person can ski at a time – please respect this rule.

Membership rates
Plus icon

- Discounts apply when payment is made prior to April 30th
- Payment after April 30th at normal rates
- New members require approval from the committee generally 2 week turn around
- One off administration fee of $50 for new members in addition to the membership fee

Skinning up to the ridge line where the Craigieburn day lodge is. One of the highest cafes in Craigieburn mountain range.

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Cassels brewing beer, 
delicious beer from CanterburyK2 ski gearsmith logo ski goggles and glasses

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Come get a job or have a ski lesson at Craigieburn Valley with us.